Working on campaign briefs

We often help government clients with important campaigns – but we really can’t say too much about them due to the sensitive nature of some of the work.

Still, we’ll have a go at explaining the kind of project we can help with (without revealing specific details), to give you an idea of our capabilities.

For example, one of our government agency clients recently asked us to create a comprehensive set of educational resources for security personnel, to help them engage effectively with a new kind of on-site threat. They needed a campaign concept that would make the guidance eye-catching, simple to understand, and very easy to remember.

And there was an additional challenge.

The client was aware that anything released online may be seen and analysed by those involved in the on-site incidents. This of course meant it was critical to take all of the different stakeholders’ points of view into account and avoid any incorrect or outdated guidance (as it always is), but it also meant it was vital to avoid language or suggestions which could be considered inflammatory.

Working on campaign briefs

We often help government clients with important campaigns – but we really can’t say too much about them due to the sensitive nature of some of the work.

Still, we’ll have a go at explaining the kind of project we can help with (without revealing specific details), to give you an idea of our capabilities.

For example, one of our government agency clients recently asked us to create a comprehensive set of educational resources for security personnel, to help them engage effectively with a new kind of on-site threat. They needed a campaign concept that would make the guidance eye-catching, simple to understand, and very easy to remember.

And there was an additional challenge.

The client was aware that anything released online may be seen and analysed by those involved in the on-site incidents. This of course meant it was critical to take all of the different stakeholders’ points of view into account and avoid any incorrect or outdated guidance (as it always is), but it also meant it was vital to avoid language or suggestions which could be considered inflammatory.

What we delivered

1. An easy-to-remember framework

The success of a project lies in a strong concept. We knew we needed an idea that would deliver the information in a way that’s easy for security personnel to recall even in the face of someone trying to intentionally antagonise them.

Our answer? Stay CALM.

This four-step process – Chat, Assess, Limit, Monitor (CALM)– sets out the steps that security personnel should take when approached in an aggressive manner –  but, importantly, the acronym also worked as a standalone. If, in the face of someone trying to provoke them, security staff could only recall the word ‘CALM’ and not what it stood for – that was enough.

2. A visually-appealing aesthetic

To bring the concept to life, we needed a strong look and feel. Using the client’s existing branding for consistency (and to continue tapping into their reputation for trust and security.) we created a diverse array of illustrated characters, allowing the viewer to see themselves in the story (while making sure these illustrations weren’t too ‘cartoony’ so it didn’t undercut the seriousness of the issue). We built out two ‘real world’ scenarios – one up close showing situations to ground the guidance for individuals, and a wider isometric view to showcase the environment as a whole.

3. A ready-made pack of resources

We produced an array of resources, including updated guidance documents, an animated video, posters, quick-fire ‘rolodex’ cards for security personnel, and even a full training deck to deliver the new advice effectively.

Why it worked – the behavioural science

The outcome

Within eight weeks of completing this project, the training video we produced had already entered the client’s top 10 most watched clips, with 12K+ views and counting.

The client fed back that, as we had increased the quality of their content, more people had engaged with it.

But, hopefully, the real impact is on the ground – where security personnel feel more comfortable and informed. This not only helps with their confidence, but might just help to keep more people safe, too.

Need help to go from thorny issue to coming up roses?

At SBC we have decades of experience of using behavioural psychology, copywriting, design and a whole host of other tools to take the complex and contentious and make it more accessible.

Got a campaign content project that you need help with?

Get in touch with our team for an informal chat.

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Need help to go from thorny issue to coming up roses?

At SBC we have decades of experience of using behavioural psychology, copywriting, design and a whole host of other tools to take the complex and contentious and make it more accessible.

Got a campaign content project that you need help with?
Get in touch with our team for an informal chat.

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