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The market is tough right now. 

Are your budgets shrinking and your pool of prospective customers along with it? And are you working with a reduced team, but the same amount of deliverables? If so, you are not alone. In spite of your shrinking resources, this is exactly the time when you need to ramp up your marketing and communication efforts. The question is: do you have the capacity to do more?

For many companies, the answer is no. In the face of redundancies and hiring freezes, in-house teams are getting smaller, but the workload remains unchanged. That’s why outsourcing content creation is a smart (and cost-effective) way to help you grow your business. Not convinced?

Here are 5 reasons you should try it. 

Keep costs down but quality high

If you don’t have the in-house resources to deliver on your content strategy, outsourcing to an agency partner can help you meet your goals without putting pressure on your bottom line. You’ll still get the same expertise but none of the costs that come with hiring full-time staff. Working in this way means you have flexibility to stand them down whenever their services are no longer needed.

Generate new ideas from new talent

Good content starts with a good idea, but sometimes those ideas are hard to come by or start to feel a bit stale without new blood in the business. Working with an outsourced team can bring a fresh perspective and shine a light on ideas you might have overlooked. Simply put, new people bring with them new inspiration. As an outsourced team for global businesses, we support with all aspects of content production, including content ideation and often being an ‘outsider’ looking in, we see opportunities and ideas that others that are too close to the business don’t. We push the boundaries for creative thinking – and our clients love us for it!

Diversify your content

Writers all have their different styles and skills sets. Some might be more adept at really creative formats like scripts, while others are experts in writing research-led pieces and heavy-duty content like guides and whitepapers. Working with an outsourced team means you have access to writers with different expertise, but more importantly, you’ll also have access to animators, designers and video editors. This allows you to plug any skills gaps without the long-term commitment and costs of full-time staff. We work this way with our clients, supporting with everything from written and video case studies to providing ongoing copy and design support.

Keep content consistent

The success of any content marketing strategy lies in consistency, so when demand ramps up, having an outsourced team to lean on allows you to stick to your content plan while keeping your full-time staff free to focus on other business priorities. You can choose the level of support, too. For instance, our team has been brought in to help clients with the whole content production process from strategy to distribution, but other clients prefer to lean on us for content creation only. It all comes down to what your needs (and budget) is.

Grow your network and reputation

Working with an outsourced team not only gives you access to a bigger pool of talent but, equally important, their network. Building a relationship with an agency partner can create new opportunities for your business. Once you’ve established a good relationship, you can explore synergies and mutually beneficial business opportunities.

Curious about outsourcing your content creation? Get in touch here