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B2B content marketing

Research, storytelling, and mental availability

Content marketing is about relevance.

When you tap into the issues customers care about, advise them on the best ways tackle them, and then your advice actually works? That’s when you become what Kellogg’s is to cornflakes in your own industry – the most mentally available brand when it’s time to buy.

What we do

Messaging strategy

Defining what you need to say, to who, why, and how­ – to hit your objectives.

Content creation

Including interviews, research, copywriting, graphic design, and animation.


Journalism for

Giving you the skills you need to create your own content marketing.

Our process

How we approach it


Goal setting

We deep dive into your business strategy, audiences and channels, and what you want content to do for you.

Content strategy

We recommend how to position yourselves in your market, your content pillars, your key messaging, and the proof points that make it true. We’ll build this into your overall story so you can take people on a content journey, all the way down to a sale.

Content creation

Everything from e-learns, podcasts, videos, and games, through to traditional content like blogs, websites, opinion-pieces and sales decks – the full gamut of content marketing.

Regular reviews

The market doesn’t stand still, so neither can your content strategy. We conduct regular reviews to see how your content is performing against the KPIs we set, and explore the opportunities we should take next.

Inside the insights:
How we make content marketing effective

Storyteller Bias

We remember and believe information given to us as stories, especially when they involve conflict but end on an emotional high.


The way you present information can have huge influence on whether it’s perceived as an opportunity or a threat.

Availability Bias

Our behaviour and judgement is most influenced by examples that come to mind most easily. Like if we say ‘smartphone’, there will be one brand that immediately springs to mind.

Loss Aversion

Because losses feel twice as painful as gains feel good, we naturally avoid losses wherever possible. Emphasising loss can frame messages in ways that inspire action.

Status Quo Bias

The status quo is safe and changing it could risk a loss. So usually we like to stick with what we have instead. Our content marketing is designed to break that inertia, and inspire action.

Foot in the Door Effect

Committing to something small now makes it more likely you’ll commit to something larger later.

Mere-Exposure Effect

‘Hmm, this album’s a grower…’ It’s true! The more we experience something, even something we don’t like at first, the more we grow to like it over time.

Picture Superiority Effect

We remember images far better than we remember words. Consistent use of images coupled with content makes your messaging more memorable.

Fluency Effects

Statements that are easier to understand are easier to believe. So write as simply as possible, but no simpler.

Authority Bias

We tend to agree with those we respect, like high-ranking people in our businesses, and industry leaders.

The Humour Effect

We’re more motivated by and remember experiences that make us laugh.

Spacing Effect

Messages are easier to remember when they’re repeated over time and across environments.

Curious to know more?

Get in touch for a chat.

SBC is a registered member of the
Global Association of Applied Behavioural Scientists